Hey everyone—

I'm Luke, founder and solopreneur.

Remember what your business felt like when you first started?

I'm sure you were like me—excited for the journey ahead. Ready to take on any challenge that came your way. No obstacle too big. Pure adrenaline that kept you going even when you felt like you had nothing left in the tank.

But then things changed.

You woke up one day with a handful of tasks that didn't seem fun anymore. Hours on sales calls with bad fit prospects, team member turnover, and constantly trying to convince people to buy from you. Moving you farther from the love you had when starting your business. Maybe even wondering why you did it in the first place.

The good news, it doesn't have to be this hard.

Your business can be that thing you fell in love with.

My goal—bring you back to the beginning. The time when you jumped out of bed in the morning to work on your business. I help you use narrative marketing to get you back to those blissful good old days.

So you can get back to running your business, not worrying about how you will get business.

- Luke Netti

My story—and why it matters.

It feels strange to write something like this. Why does anyone care about my story?

The truth is, my reasons for what I do must align with the values of those I work with. My work, life, and faith are all uniquely tied into how I run my business. How I work with my clients. And how I want them to see our relationship.

I'm not going to be an order taker. If that's what you want—hit that close button on your browser.

I've spent my entire life learning about the talents that God has given me and how to use them. By using systems, creativity, and storytelling we can change the way you think about marketing your business.

I believe that if you use your business to genuinely help people—you grow as a business and a person.

That's what I want to help you do. Help you unlock the story you tell in your organization. When you do this—you thrive, your team thrives, and your customers thrive.

If that's what you're looking for, I can't wait to meet you!

picture of luke